“[CLASSIFIED] Project Demolition 2058 A.D.” by Christopher Chee
2058 A.D. On the eve of the demolition of the Waterloo Street temples, someone has destroyed the nearby offering machines and laid flowers before the temples. Using sound-extraction technology, officers NEO-POL & Leon attempt to identify the culprit(s) and their motivations. What they uncover will be more than they bargained for.
Artist Statement:
The sharing done by the residents and business owners who participated in the Waterloo Street Stories project were insightful, moving and exciting. While some feel that their trade will die with them, others are hopeful that their business will thrive beyond them. And while some lament the development of Waterloo Street, others welcome it. Despite their differences, their sharing revealed the friendship, networks, history and pride shared between different business and religious communities. I hope to capture a snapshot of their current sentiments and not let it be lost in history.
Playwright: Christopher Chee
Director: Ng Sze Min
Actors: Benjamin Chow, Isabella Chiam, Saifuddin Jumadi, Masturah Oli, Shanjeevi Ganesan, Cheryl Ho