Station 2: The Self-Compassion Guide Audio Description

  1. Click here for the link to the The Self-Compassion Guide Audio Description Recording

  2. Continue listening for the The Self-Compassion Guide Audio Description Text:

    You are currently standing on the right side of the booths at the Self-Compassion Guide. Text reads: Here is an audio-guided reflection on Self-Compassion, accompanied by Singapore Sign Language interpretation and Closed captioning. Take a seat and choose your reflecting tools of choice from the tool basket. Put your headphones on and scan the QR code in the booth for The Self Compassion Guide. Play the tracks in order for the best experience. We recommend you spend 10 - 15 minutes at this station. End of text. 
    At this station is a booth that extends about 5.3 metres wide in total, against the glass panels of the cafe space. Within this booth, there are four cubicles, approximately 1.2 metres wide with wall partitions that are 1.7metres high. The first cubicle is a chair at a table. The Second cubicle is a bean bag on the floor, note that this booth has a low entrance of about 1.2metres. The third and fourth cubicle is a chair at a table. Take a seat at your preferred cubicle. If a cubicle is occupied, a lab sitter will notify you. Once you take a seat, refer back to the audio description text  for a link to the reflective guide. The video guide is separated into 5 tracks. The  audio guide is translated to Singapore Sign Language by Ammar Ameezy, a male with bangs, wearing a green shirt, against a white backdrop; there is also closed captioning available. 
    At each cubicle there is a tool basket on your right with some pen and paper, soft clay, a modeling tool and a white board with markers. Feel free to use those tools to reflect in any way you’d like. If you would like a lab sitter to be your scribe, please let them know. 

    Click here for the guide,

    Click here for the Transcript of the guide,

    After listening to the guide, follow the Tactile Rope to move to the next station. You will come to a rectangular structure about 1.2metres in height with 9 different cubby holes.  The QR code will be at the corner of the horizontal surface of the structure. Scan the QR code for Station 3’s Audio Description. You can find this wayfinding instruction in the self-compassion guide’s video description as well.  End of Audio Description Text.