Station 5: Community Canvas Audio Description

  1. Click here for the link to the Community Canvas Audio Description Recording

  2. Continue listening for the Community Canvas Audio Description Text:

You are at the Community Canvas. In front of you is a peg board wall with two sloping table structures 70 cm and 1 metre in height. The title text reads: Community Canvas, What’s most important for your creative work? End of text. This is the final station with two points of interaction. Here is the first point of interaction: About 1.5 metres from the ground, There are 5 headers each with an option. From left to right, the header text reads, 1. Music, 2. Environment, 3. Snacks, 4, Conversations, 5. Tools. Underneath the headers are 5 hooks. About 1 metre from the ground towards the left side of the peg board wall, there is a plastic holder with a stack of bookmarks. Each bookmark has a hole at the top for you to hook the bookmark on the hooks. Text reads: Pick a card and feel free to elaborate on your choice in writing on the bookmarks! End of text. Once you have chosen, pick the card and hook it below the corresponding header. Again, from left to right, the header text reads, 1. Music, 2. Environment, 3. Snacks, 4, Conversations, 5. Tools. If you’d like some help to elaborate on your choice by writing, or have other people’s writings read out to you, do let a lab sitter know. There are markers in the plastic holder where the bookmarks are placed. Second point of interaction: Text beside the ipad reads: “It’s your turn to contribute your story! If you enjoyed this exhibition, complete this anonymous survey to help us better understand and tailor the Self-Compassion Lab to the needs and habits of Young Creatives in Singapore! Your thoughts will be collated and be a part of our data story that will be released in December. Stay tuned!”
Scan the QR code if you’d like to do it at your own convenience or on your own device. 
End of text. Click here to fill the survey Once you are done with the survey, follow the tactile rope back to the reception. Thank you for joining us at the Self-Compassion lab! End of Audio Description text.